Flora, Femme, & Fauna

Your personalized guide through the journey of Motherhood.

From Conception to Contractions, From First Caress to Forever Cuddles, We Mother the Mother

"The art of mothering is to teach the art of living to children."

—Elaine Heffner

Release the burdens of the past and unleash a stronger, more creative you.

Our eclectic approach to therapy allows individuals to heal from past traumas and adversity in order to strive for the best possible future. We believe that once obstacles that weigh us down are alleviated, the true spirit of a person can be activated, optimizing their maximum potential in creativity, ambition, and commitment.

Join the ranks of women who are trekking this path and find empathy, guidance, understanding, and support along the way.

By joining this program, you’ll gain access to a diverse range of resources and a personal life coach. The coach’s only priority is to assist you in reaching self-actualization. The coach will discuss and promote aspirations surrounding physical health, nutritional guidance, personal development, emotional stability, parenting, and everything in between. This means putting your values, goals, and dreams first and providing the ultimate support to help you reach a symbiotic balance in all aspects of life.

Embrace the magic of pregnancy while receiving unconditional emotional support and research-based care.

Receive certified prenatal and postpartum doula services. Gain access to an abundance of resources including informational webinars, lactation consulting, sleep training, nutritional guidance, birthing options, and much more. The program naturally builds a unique and emotional bond between mother and mentor. We pride ourselves on mothering the mother.

Erase those overwhelming feelings and stressful experiences where you feel as though parenting is getting the best of you.

Get parenting advice from experienced mothers. Ask important questions in a safe and objective space. Share “Mommy Moments” in those inspirational times where you are so humbled and full of pride. Gain access to Common Core State Standards based Early Childhood education activities that focus on cultural awareness, socio-emotional development, and building an intrinsic love of learning.

“In giving birth to our babies, we may find that we give birth to new possibilities within ourselves.”

—Myla and Jon Kabat-Zinn