Our Approach

Flora, Femme, & Fauna was conceptualized to encompass all that makes us uniquely female. The flora, the pretty, the self-sustaining, the patience, the Spring. The fauna, the volatile, the ambition, the drive, the Autumn. The femme, the balance, the holistic being, the soul, both the scorch of Summer and the frost of Winter. All the aspects of life that characterize what it means to be a phenomenal woman and spectacular mother. The program is unique in that it provides a holistic approach by encompassing the five dimensions of health and a past, present, and future model of care from fertility to up to five years postpartum. We work together to build up all that is uniquely you in order to overcome challenges, reach self-actualization, and create a happy, healthy perinatal journey and beyond. The goal of Flora, Femme, & Fauna is to increase the confidence, stability, and health of every woman venturing into motherhood by providing empathetic guidance and unconditional support. Here, we mother the mother.

“Women do not have to sacrifice personhood if they are mothers. They do not have to sacrifice motherhood in order to be persons. Liberation was meant to expand women's opportunities, not to limit them. The self-esteem that has been found in new pursuits can also be found in mothering.”

—Elaine Heffner


01 — Cognitive Behavior Modification

CBM focuses on identifying dysfunctional self-talk in order to change unwanted behaviors. This approach aims to delineate negative self-verbalizations that are bedding debilitating actions. If you change the way you think, you will change the way you feel. If you change the way you feel, you change the way you act.

02 — Humanistic

Humanistic psychology focuses on the values of the whole person. These methods aim to encourage the intrinsic creativity of an individual through an optimistic emphasis on personal worth, motivation, and natural resilience by striving to establish each pillar of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. The goal is to help each client reach self-actualization.

03 — Psychodynamic

Psychodynamic therapy is an introspective approach. The focus is on the internal, unconscious drivers of the human psyche that influence our behaviors and actions. The goal is to retrieve those hidden conflicts, rationalize them, and then release them from your spirit.

04-Third-Wave Therapies

Third-Wave Therapies integrate Eastern philosophies of mindfulness into the therapeutic journey. This approach combines Western culture with Eastern ideologies and practices. In addition, these methods address social justice issues and how the dominant discourse of society has an effect on the individual experience. Through the evocation of exception, individuals will be guided to find solutions that fit their own unique narrative.

"Mother is a verb. It’s something you do. Not just who you are."

— Cheryl Lacey Donovan

Doula Services

01-Prenatal Care

Utilizing certified doula services, we offer research-based care. Mothers will be guided through their pregnancy step-by-step by addressing all five aspects of life (biological, physiological, emotional, social, and physical). Clients will benefit from nutritional guidance, physical activity modification, unconditional emotional support, and abundant information from experienced mothers.

02- Postpartum Care

Mothers will be mothered through those tough few weeks after delivery. Sleep training, lactation consulting, nursing positions, self-care, and never-ending emotional support allow our clients to recover physically and psychologically. Mothers will be guided through this new phase in their life in a nonjudgmental atmosphere that will help establish routine, balance, creativity, and confidence.

“Motherhood is a choice you make every day, to put someone else’s happiness and well-being ahead of your own, to teach the hard lessons, to do the right thing even when you’re not sure what the right thing is...and to forgive yourself, over and over again, for doing everything wrong.”

— Donna Ball


01- Nutritional guidance

Juice Plus+ innovative nutraceuticals are included in every program. Juice Plus+ is a company that prides itself on providing organic, whole-food enrichment that is backed by decades of research. There has never been a product recall since the start of the company. The products are supported by more than 40 peer-reviewed scientific publications. Research is conducted globally and across cultures to ensure a truly altruistic approach to a healthy diet. These essentials include 33 different fruits and vegetables harvested at the peak of freshness and then quick frozen to lock in nutritional value. They are then pulverized whole into a powder and encapsulated in a vegan, plant-based case. It is the most clinically reviewed product in the market and is supported by a vast array of professional health providers. The nutraceuticals ensure that our clients’ diets are nutritionally boosted to optimize physical health while we make adjustments to their daily intake.

02- Goal-Setting

The program works with each individual to identify areas of motivation, talent, and interest. From there, each client will establish 3-5 SMART goals based solely on their value system and what they want to manifest. Clients are then supported by their mentor with activities, challenges, accountability, and resources until the goal is achieved or adjusted.

03- Self-Actualization

Mentors work with clients to build not only the future they want but the present they deserve to have. Clients are supported continuously in their aims to be better wives, better students, better teachers, better mothers, and better women. Every client who seeks out our services is guided towards a life that is enriching and fills her with a sense of joy and balance. Women are aided in becoming their happiest, healthiest, most creative selves.