Mommy Moments

Mommy Moments are special situations during your pregnancy or experiences as a mother where your children give you pause. Share those instances where you are enlightened or filled with pride. Reflect on those times when the purity and innocence of your child brings back the simplicity of life. Post those moments that made you cry with joy, laugh insatiably, or be at a loss for words. Connect with mothers across cultures through their shared journeys.

“One evening, my husband and I went to dinner with his parents. My mother-in-law spent all night going on and on about how my skin was just glowing. The next day I found out I was pregnant. It’s crazy how she just knew. Mothers always know.”

-Isabel H.


“I’ve never felt more connected to another human being before. I mean I don’t remember my time in utero so I guess at one point I was this close to my mom. I feel like there is more than just an umbilical cord fusing us together. It’s a force of connection I’ve never felt before getting pregnant. And I will forever cherish it.”

-Cindy R.


“When my daughter took her first independent steps I was initially filled with excitement. But then I saw her face. She was full of rapt attention and focus. She was literally mustering all her strength and determination to achieve independence and mobility in that moment. She was steadfast in reaching her destination and no matter how many times her bum hit the floor; she got right back up. She showed a resilience that I didn’t know was possible in such a tiny little thing. But she did it, and she hasn’t stopped since.”

-Ashley B.


“This season was really tough on my little guys’ health. On one of those sick days, my seven-year-old and my three-year-old were bundled up on the couch. The older one was in real bad shape. I got up to take care of some mundane tasks and came back to the most sentimental scene. My little guy had gotten up and was now reading a story to his older brother while tenderly patting his back. Granted, my three-year-old doesn’t know how to read yet, but you could have fooled me. I don’t know what book he chose, I don’t even know the details of the story he told, but the warmth in my heart from watching my young children care for each other will be felt forever.”

-Shaden H.


“After a rough afternoon the previous day, my daughter wakes up bleary-eyed and boogers covered. She comes up to me before breakfast and tugs on my shirt. She asks me to come here, meaning down on her level. She caresses my face in both her hands, looks me dead in the eye, and says, ‘I’m sorry for being mean to you lasterday.’ I was so proud, I started to cry and just hugged her for ten minutes.”

-Tanya B.


Share your Mommy Moments with other mothers. Gain inspiration and Connect on the most intimate level. Submit your personal entry to see it featured here.