One Spectacular Year

Over the last week, I have had the opportunity to witness how absolutely phenomenal we women are. I was inspired to explore a multitude of facets of my life and was surprised by the intrinsically motivated figures that shared their experiences and goals with me. A few women, in particular, displayed actions that shined a little brighter than average and served as my silver lining around the storm cloud that was last year.

I was humbled by the incredible sacrifice of a loving mother, I was motivated by the success of a prominent business owner, I was uplifted by the pedagogy of a brilliant educator, and I was encouraged by a fellow life coach. Each of these women, in their own right, are icons, heroes, angels. Their struggles, obstacles, adversities, and issues are felt by everyday ordinary women, all the time, in the masses. And each of them demonstrated a unique form of strength that admonished failure and expressed true fortitude. 2022 was diminishing, stressful, and exhausting but this year has already sown the seeds that will reap prominence, productivity, and purpose for half of the world’s population. I think women as a unit forget just how powerful we are until we connect with each other. Reach out when you are in the swamps of depression. Stand up and shout in the face of injustice. Embrace your inner creativity and express it beautifully. Strive to lead by example, not because a man told you it was a “good look”, not for acceptance or ease, but because you know it’s the right thing to do.

We must remember, we play a crucial, prominent, vital role in how society is shaped. Mothers, we are responsible for raising the next generation. Put your children first. Teach your daughters to respect themselves, to be resilient, and to reach for the stars. Teach your sons to respect women, to strive to live with integrity, and to be the best they can be. Business leaders, we must go the extra mile, walk our talk, and make equity and sustainability a priority over profit. Build prestige through innovative actions rather than your net worth. Educators, we must teach with authenticity. Show the children a big, bright, brilliant future filled with opportunity. Don’t adjust the learning curve, eradicate it! Help every student find a spark that will infuse their life with a love of learning. Coaches and Mentors, our words of wisdom will dwell in the minds of our clients. Guide them with empathy and purity. Help the individuals that are influenced by you find balance in all aspects of themselves.

We, women, are a force to be reckoned with. We are mighty. We are connected. And we are ready to flood the gates with femme ideals. Dig your heels in and prepare for a long, steep stretch that is full of switchbacks, broken trails, heavy brush, and reptilian threats but leads to a spectacular summit of success and satisfaction. It’s going to be one spectacular year.        


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