You Are Worthy

Have you ever looked in the mirror and felt sad, lonely, disgusted, ashamed, or unworthy?

The way a person conceptualizes their value and personal worth is known as self-esteem. When you have high self-esteem, you believe in your right to be respected by others. You have confidence and are aware of your abilities and limitations. When you have low self-esteem there is doubt in your worth and value. You are hesitant to expand your horizons out of fear that you aren’t good enough.

The effects of self-esteem can alter daily life in a myriad of ways. Issues involving a lack of self-esteem include reclusive tendencies which lead to the potential for extensive isolation, depression, self-harm, risky and reckless behavior, and a general withdrawal from the joys and adventures of a fulfilling life. For a person suffering from low self-esteem, social interactions are minimal and lacking in engagement or extroversion dominant to attract some type of attention. This wanton desire to be noticed often sends the wrong message and results in negative consequences. This opportunity to prey on the weak, helpless, and vulnerable inspires bullying and twisted manipulation. A person with high self-esteem tends to be psychologically strong. Too much self-esteem can lead to narcissism and arrogant attitudes.

People have profound and established preconceptions of who and how they should be and look. These pressures and misgivings lead to inhibiting behaviors that are damaging to the psyche. Self-esteem cannot be analyzed on a spectrum. There is no set formula to increase your confidence levels. Every single person has a unique combination of experiences that contribute to their perspective of themselves. On the other hand, there are techniques that can be implemented that enable a person to navigate these negative feelings of displacement.

A mentally healthy person can accept feedback and criticism without too many warring emotions or long-lasting effects. What must be remembered is that self-esteem can fluctuate systematically based on a wide range of influences. A person can boost their self-esteem by embarking on creative endeavors, stimulating intellectual growth, and contributing to social progress. These metrics are instrumental in reaching self-actualization.

Avoid negative self-talk. Mentally convincing yourself that you are anything less than exactly who you were meant to be is negative self-talk. Find a way to turn the negatives into positives. Artistic expression is highly useful, productive, and meaningful in this regard. Avoid toxic beauty influences. Social media is a powerful force that could be beneficial or detrimental. Individuals should turn toward feeds, links, and followers that are designed to boost their sense of value and voice. Follow true leaders, not influencers.   

Finally, set realistic and personal goals for yourself. Start with short-term goals from which you can reap immediate feedback, then work your nerve up to long-term goals that require commitment. This practice is empowering because it boosts the individual’s confidence every time a goal is reached. In addition, this technique minimizes the potential damage inflicted by manipulators because it reduces the need to live up to other people’s expectations and decreases the chances of being held back by preconceived limitations.

Practicing these techniques will give you a solid foundation upon which to build your self-esteem. Be patient with your adaptations and accept that Rome wasn’t built in a day. Realize that self-awareness is a lifelong process of development. Commit to a holistic approach in creating the most confident version of yourself.


Phenomenal Females -Gaia


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