The Light is Still There

In an increasingly twisted society, I find myself trying to find the light.

The optimists and the lovers. The beautiful and the giving. The strong and the creative.

Although it is dwindling, the light is still there. But it’s up to us to sustain it.

We, as women need to draw a line in the sand that we do not let anyone cross. In a gender and role-confused country we are now facing adversaries that are women as well as men.

Our rights to our bodies are systematically being revoked after decades of struggle and advocacy. But we are still fighting.

Our power is being impugned upon from cultural, political, and religious influences with humiliating and sometimes fatal consequences. And yet we still hold positions of authority.

 Our capabilities are being marginalized on a global scale. But we still enact new ways to prove our worth and adaptability.

The world is vicious to our gender. Child marriages, sex trafficking, genital mutilation, physical and sexual abuse, murder. This cannot stand. We are the womb of the future. What kind of world is being fostered, when the women who nurture and educate the children are hated and mistreated? We cannot allow this darkness to permeate, to fester, to ooze into the grains of the future.

A woman as an individual is a profound and remarkable force. When banded together we are unstoppable. So, in these perilous times, where we are once again being looked at as simple objects to be toyed with, to be used and discarded, to be manhandled and underappreciated; I urge you to seek out the light. Seek out your fellow sisters and unite your power, raise your voice, and pursue your dreams as a unit. Band together and make your passions known. Commit to a world where a woman is an idol, a role model, a free spirit able to take nurturing and creativity to new heights. Aspire towards a world where our daughters don’t have to live in fear. Where are mothers don’t have to sacrifice their princesses for survival. Where are sisters are no longer subjected to the abuses inflicted by men but are warriors.

Seek out the light Ladies. It is still there, shining through the muck.     


The History of Birthing Positions


Phenomenal Females -Gaia