Boosting Fertility

Having a baby is not an instantaneous act. For some women, getting pregnant is really hard and emotionally trying. The weight of self-doubt and lowered self-worth dampens the experience and damages the soon-to-be mother. Many women internalize the failed attempts as signs of their ineptitude in being a mother or evidence of their unworthiness to be a mother. This is a massive façade that is detrimental to the mental health of the woman. Approximately one-third of infertility cases are caused by women’s health problems. Fertility can be affected by a number of inflictions including but not limited to endometriosis, a tilted, fallen, or prolapsed uterus, ovulation disorders, or fallopian tube damage or blockage. Most OB/GYNs will advise couples to try to conceive for at least twelve months before they are considered infertile and begin exploring external, medical procedures to increase fertility. I’m here to provide suggestions to boost your fertility during that twelve-month period.

Many fertility issues can be combatted by simply adjusting your lifestyle and habits. The top listed causes of infertility in women can be eliminated simply by making healthy choices. Smoking and drinking are a big no-no if you are trying to have a baby. It is also important to stay consistently hydrated and maintain a well-balanced diet. Drinking plenty of fluids has the benefits of cushioning and lubricating tissues and organs, promoting healthy circulation of hormones, and improving the production of cervical mucus. Eating a nutrient-rich diet is beneficial whether you are trying to conceive or not. Your nutritional intake should be rich in antioxidants and vitamins. Juice Plus+ nutraceuticals are the perfect addition to a well-balanced diet because they provide an all-natural, organic, and clinically proven boost to your nutritional intake without compromising your peace of mind or your wallet. Not only are these products scientifically peer-reviewed around the world but they are also backed and supported by many health care providers, including a conglomerate of Obstetricians. These simple habit changes will increase your fertility by 5-10%.

It is also important to mention that a woman should minimize her stress levels when trying to conceive. Human beings are intricately designed machines that are interconnected throughout all our systems. Our bodies and physiological systems and traits are tied to our emotions and psychological well-being which are connected to our behaviors that are influenced by our genetics, our environment, and our culture. It is my belief that women have an additional level of symbiosis that is not present in men because of our life baring abilities. Motherhood is a hormonal, emotional, biological, psychological, social, and cultural dynamic of a woman’s life that can be very stressful. This journey begins the moment that a woman/couple decides that they want to grow a family. Implementing moments of self-care will help reduce stress levels and create emotional balance. Yoga, meditation, artistic expression, journaling, and structured exercise are just a few recommendations to help minimize your stress levels while trying to conceive. These same habits will help you maintain emotional balance during pregnancy and postpartum as well. Early implementation helps establish a healthy routine that is advantageous to a woman’s well-being throughout the process and beyond.

A great tool to master is tracking your menstrual cycle. This may be difficult if you suffer from conditions like cystic fibrosis and endometriosis which make managing a consistent period near impossible. But if you are healthy and have a consistent cycle then tracking when you are most fertile and most likely to conceive can minimize the ambiguity and stress involved. There are numerous apps, calendars, and devices available that make tracking your cycle a breeze.

Conception is a fact of life that has been an established practice since the dawn of time. Therefore, ancient practices deserve a certain level of respect and acknowledgment. So, my final recommendation is to practice Mayan abdominal massage. Mayan massage is an ancient healing tradition that was taught to young women who had begun their periods to improve their female health during the childbearing years. This technique originated in Mexico, Belize, and Guatemala through the wisdom of Mayan curanderos and spread across Central and South America with Incan and Aztec variations. These massages are meant to support a healthy menstrual cycle, improve reproductive health, and boost fertility. There are four phases still used in practice today: reproductive organs massage, fertility self-massage, uterine massage, and ovarian massage. All four phases are designed to increase blood flow and healing energy to the targeted areas. The procedures are external and noninvasive and can be done by a professional or by you in the comfort of your own home. It is advised to schedule an initial appointment with a masseuse to learn the proper technique for your specific needs and goals prior to performing the self-massage. This technique can be useful to all women for a variety of reproductive health concerns but specifically helps the circulation of blood flow, realigning the position of your uterus (which becomes stretched, shrunk, displaced, and/or injured with age, pregnancy, and surgery), moves congested lymph fluids which help to drain and detoxify, and increases immune function and proper nerve flow to the pelvic organs. The health benefits are extensive and scientifically proven and include strengthening your reproductive organs, preparing and strengthening your birthing muscles, clearing your fallopian tubes for unhindered movement of both eggs and sperm, preventing depression by invoking relaxation, improving digestion by reducing abdominal discomfort, preventing painful menstruation and regulating the menstrual cycle, aiding liver detoxification, breaking up pelvic adhesions and polycystic ovarian cysts, and much more.

Trying to conceive is not limited to having a lot of sex. Yes, that’s a major part of it but it is paramount for a woman to be aware of all the other factors that need to be respectfully addressed to promote the likelihood of becoming pregnant. Our bodies are intricately designed and therefore need to be holistically addressed. Boosting your fertility by confronting the different levels of motherhood will increase the possibility of a baby. Conception is a very emotionally driven act. If you are too stressed, too overwhelmed, too traumatized, too anxious, too nervous, or too worried, your body is going to deny you a baby. This is no reason to bestow yourself with guilt. In order to have a happy, healthy full-term pregnancy, both your mind, body, and spirit must be aligned. Remember that you are worthy, beautiful, and full of grace. Following these recommendations will boost your fertility and conception efforts. Remember to allow yourself the flexibility to adapt to what your body needs and then a miracle will grow inside you.             


Phenomenal Females-Grand Midwife Margaret Charles Smith


Baby Blues